22 research outputs found

    Promoting Agricultural Entrepreneurs against Food Shortage, Overproduction and Protectionism in Northern Africa and Other Regions of the World - A Critique to Nobel Laureate Schultz and Nominee Hirschman

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    Paper presented at the International Conference of 'Entrepreneurship and Land and Rural Development' Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, University of AbouBekr BELKAID TLEMCEN Tlemcen, Algeria, 3-4 December 2008Agribusiness, International Relations/Trade,

    Overcoming the Irrational Land Use in Africa and Other Regions of the World - A Critique to the Myths of Nobel Laureate Schultz and Nominee Hirschman

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    Paper presented at the UNU-WIDER (United Nations University – World Institute for Development Economics Research) Project Conference on African Development: Myths and Realities Accra, Ghana, 10-11 December 2009Land Economics/Use,

    Determination of composition of mixed biological samples using laser-induced fluorescence and combined classification/regression models

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    Abstract Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) provides the ability to distinguish organic materials by a fast and distant in situ analysis. When detecting the substances directly in the environment, e.g. in an aerosol cloud or on surfaces, additional fluorescence signals of other fluorophores occurring in the surrounding are expected to mix with the desired signal. We approached this problem with a simplified experimental design for an evaluation of classification algorithms. An upcoming question for enhanced identification capabilities is the case of mixed samples providing different signals from different fluorophores. For this work, mixtures of up to four common fluorophores (NADH, FAD, tryptophan, and tyrosine) were measured by a dual wavelength setup and spectrally analyzed. Classification and regression are conducted with neural networks and show an excellent performance in predicting the ratios of the selected ingredients

    Gender inequalities in the Colombian cattle sector: an econometric analysis

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    Differences in access to productive resources, education, and credit can affect the productive capacity of cattle producers, especially women. This document analyses gender inequalities in the Colombian cattle sector using census information on the cattle activity, disaggregated at the territorial level. The econometric analysis evidences a negative relationship between the participation of women producers and cattle production at the municipal level. Our findings underscore the importance of improving access to quality education, credit, and technical assistance for rural women, which can benefit agricultural production and national economic growth at large

    De la connaissance Ă  la reconnaissance des droits fonciers africains endogĂšnes

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    RésuméLes droits fonciers coutumiers sont au cƓur de l'histoire agraire ouest-africaine. Au-delĂ  de leur apparente diversitĂ©, des traits communs caractĂ©risent ces systĂšmes fonciers. Un regard critique sur cette question montre que l'on ne saurait les apprĂ©hender pour ce qu'ils ne sont pas, et donc sous-estimer ce qu'ils sont. Les droits fonciers coutumiers sont en effet d'une grande actualitĂ©, particuliĂšrement Ă  l'heure oĂč l'Afrique est en quĂȘte de nouvelles politiques fonciĂšres Ă  mĂȘme de contribuer Ă  relever les dĂ©fis du dĂ©veloppement et de la paix. Aussi la rĂ©flexion devra dĂ©sormais rĂ©pondre Ă  une double exigence : reconnaĂźtre la lĂ©gitimitĂ© des droits locaux fondĂ©s sur les coutumes et reconnaĂźtre la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'un droit d'inventaire de l'hĂ©ritage foncier traditionnel. L'auteur adopte ici une perspective politique plutĂŽt que juridique ou technique.Hubert M.G. Ouedraogo, African Endogenous Property Rights: from Knowledge to AcknowledgementCustomary land rights are at the heart of the agrarian history of West Africa. Beyond their apparent diversity, the various systems of land tenure and ownership share a number of common features. A critical perspective on the issue shows that it is important not to misconstrue and therefore underestimate them. Customary land rights are a highly topical issue at a time when Africa is seeking to develop new tenure and ownership policies capable of addressing the challenges of peace and development. Research in the area will need to meet two requirements: first, it will need to acknowledge the legitimacy of local rights based on custom; second, it will need to recognize the need for the benefit of inventory in traditional inheritance. This paper adopts a political perspective rather than a legal or technical perspective


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    Lo smaltimento degli RSU Ăš uno dei problemi principali del nostro paese dal punto di vista ambientale e sociale. L’aumento pro capite della quantitĂ  di rifiuti prodotti, unita all’esaurirsi degli spazi destinabili a discariche, con tutti i problemi annessi e connessi, ha fatto sorgere, specialmente negli ultimi tempi, la necessitĂ  di pensare a modalitĂ  alternative di smaltimento del pattume. Gli RSU hanno una composizione molto eterogenea, in quanto sono costituiti da rifiuti umidi di origine alimentare, da imballaggi di vari materiali e da rifiuti pericolosi. L’impatto ambientale degli RSU Ăš notevole, in quanto favoriscono, specialmente durante la stagione estiva, la proliferazione di microorganismi patogeni. Inoltre, le sostanze di origine sintetica ed industriale, non sono biodegradabili in genere e contaminano gravemente le acque ed il suolo, il che rende le discariche la soluzione non ottimale all’eliminazione dei rifiuti. D’altra parte questi ultimi si prestano ad essere proficuamente impiegati in impianti appositi. Da molti anni nei paesi industrializzati si procede al riciclaggio parziale delle materie prime contenute negli RSU, al compostaggio della frazione umida e all’incenerimento di quella rappresentata dagli imballaggi. Lo scopo di questo lavoro Ăš la progettazione di massima di un termovalorizzatore cogenerativo, atto a produrre energia elettrica e termica da destinare ad un’utenza civile. Al fine di incrementare le prestazioni dell’intero impianto si Ăš pensato di migliorare la combustione preriscaldando l’aria e sminuzzando molto finemente i rifiuti, giĂ  in parte selezionati, come si fa nelle centrali a carbone di piĂč recente concezione. Si sono poi valutati i parametri di funzionamento in modo da sfruttare al meglio il CdR. L’obiettivo dell’intera analisi Ăš dare un’indicazione sulla convenienza energetica riguardante, da una parte, la separazione della frazione umida (da destinare al compostaggio) da quella secca (che ha un potere calorifico superiore) e, dall’altra, l’eccesso d’aria